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Police reports | News, Sports, Jobs

Police reports | News, Sports, Jobs

Brooke County sheriff 

Arrested: Scott J. Oiler, 45, Avella, Pa., possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver, Monday. 

Arrested: James F. Crouser, 36, Washington, Pa., possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver, Monday. 

Arrested: Thomas J. Goff, 36, 20 Lindsay Ave., Wellsburg, disorderly conduct, Monday. 

Arrested: Roy L. Martin Jr., 37, 188 Parks Addition, Wellsburg, violation of protective order and capias, Monday. 

Weirton Police 

Arrested: Brianna N. Grimes, 30, no fixed address, fugitive from justice, Monday. 

Toronto Police

Charged: Dale Mains, 47, 2364 county Road 17, Rayland, drug trafficking. 

Charged: Joseph B. Ware, 48, 1447 Madison Ave., domestic violence. 

Charged: Scott A. Stuck, 48, no fixed address, disorderly conduct, public intoxication and misuse of 911. 

Charged: Danielle L. Davis, 34, and Tim L. Degarmo II, 33, both of 1310 Franklin St., both for child endangerment. 

Charged: Morgan N. O’Brien, 28, 2112 Glen St., Steubenville, failure to yield. 

Charged: Francis E. Shriver, 46, 813 N. Fourth St., Steubenville, domestic violence and possession of drugs. 

Charged: Lincoln Bender, 49, Matteson, Ill., improper turn. 

Charged: David P. Straka, 35, 713 Trenton St., driving while suspended, possession of drug paraphernalia and loud exhaust. 

Charged: Christine Shannon, 39, 321 Rainey Hill Road, New Cumberland, failure to comply and possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia. 

Charged: Amber M. Blancato, 31, 804 Daniels St., failure to reinstate. 

Charged: Donna R. Ensell, 71, 611 North Third St., failure to control and left of center. 

Charged: Lucas P. Board, 39, 111 Saline St., Irondale, possession of drugs and drug abuse instrument. 

Jefferson County Sheriff 

Checking in: A Cleveland woman requested a welfare check on a woman in Amsterdam, telling deputies she hadn’t spoken to her in a few days and “was concerned her husband … had killed her because he is a known gang member and has a new girlfriend,” Tuesday. When deputies talked to the Amsterdam woman, she said the other woman “was probably drunk and has a habit of calling for welfare checks when she is drunk.” 

Battle: A Mingo Junction woman told police she could hear a neighbor and “her man” fighting and it sounded as if she was throwing things around the house, Tuesday. The neighbor told deputies she just got home from work and “was yelling at her dog and her kids because they did not want to go to bed for the night.” She said she’d finish cleaning and try not to yell at her dog anymore. 

Not registered: Cody Allen Mosser, 25, 28 Island Creek Township Road 281, Steubenville, failure to register, Monday. Mosser pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact with a minor in 2017 and is required to register as a sex offender for 15 years. 

Acting out: A Wintersville woman complained that her 13-year-old son “is out of control and will not listen,” Sunday. She said the youth got upset because she didn’t feel well and wouldn’t take him somewhere he wanted to go. Deputies said the boy was visibly upset and told them she always cancels his plans to go somewhere. The boy admitted kicking shoes around and (throwing) a chair off the front porch,” but said it didn’t get physical. His mother agreed to take him to a family member’s house so he could calm down.   

Cats and dogs: Two people living on state Route 152, Toronto, who can’t get along fought about their pets, Saturday and Sunday. One of the women said she could hear her cat crying, and when she looked over her security fence saw it in a raccoon trap baited with a can of tuna, Saturday. She said the neighbor told her a few days previous she was “going to trap her cats and turn them over to the humane society.” She said it’s been an ongoing problem. On Sunday, the neighbor told deputies she let her dogs out and they went near the fence and the other woman’s dogs charged the fence. She said the other woman called the dog warden on her, but he said “there was nothing wrong on either side.” She said the other woman threatens her and has called police on her numerous times, and claims the woman’s male friend had previously come on her property and hit her.   

Kid stuff: A Tiltonsville business was burgled, Sunday. A nearby resident found a laptop from the business “broken, in a tree in his yard.” He said when he got to his business, he said the door was unlocked and noticed two laptops and two T-shirts with his business logo were missing.   

Steubenville Police 

That’s called stealing: Patrons at Dollar General told police a shoplifter had fled the store after assaulting an employee, Tuesday. The employee said she saw a man she’d seen take items in the past without paying for them enter the store with several empty bags that he proceeded to fill, and said when he realized she was watching he “became irate and stated he was allowed to take the items, alluding to the fact that he believed employees were not to get involved with shoplifters.” She said he threatened her, then shoved her out of his path and when other patrons saw what was happening, they came to her aid, causing the thief to drop several items and flee. There is security footage, police said. 

Liquored up: A disturbance in the 1600 block of Pershing Avenue turned out to be a family affair, Wednesday. Witnesses told police a man was fighting with his son. Police said the father “was highly intoxicated and couldn’t make full sentences.” His wife said he’d been taunting their son, telling him to hit him and the son finally did then left. His father had a small bump near his eyebrow but wasn’t interested in pursuing charges. 

Cause and effect: A Ridge Avenue woman called 911 to find out how to use Narcan, Monday. When police arrived, they said she was sitting on the floor next to a man who was breathing but appeared to be unconscious. Steubenville firefighters/ems arrived and administered nasal Narcan, which police said had a positive effect. They said the woman told them the male had snorted heroin/fentanyl on the way home from the store. He was taken to the hospital for further evaluation and issued his first drug treatment form. 

SOS: Police said a Cunningham Lane resident who needed assistance wanted help with her TV, Tuesday. Police helped her reset it. 

Role play: Police responded to a North Sixth Avenue apartment after 911 dispatchers reported someone had called and all they could hear was yelling in the background, Sunday. Officers located the caller who told police he was “playing video games and yelling at the TV.”   

No place to go: A woman parked near the playset at Belleview Park after hours told police she and a companion had been evicted from her apartment in the North End and they were sleeping there, Sunday.   

Burgled: The owner of an Oregon Avenue property told police he discovered his back door open and a mess inside when he returned to the property, Monday. He said he was trying to renovate the residence, but thieves stole his tools and ripped copper pipes from the basement rafters. Police said there was about a foot of water in the basement, and a Craftsman circular saw, a Bauer multi-tool, a Bauer drill, a grew metal square and a laser level were missing. 

There’s a reason he’s an ex: A Wheeling woman told police she was assaulted by her ex-boyfriend, Tuesday. She said she was parked at the pumps outside a downtown gas station when her ex walked over and tried to pull her out of the vehicle, then started hitting her. Police said she had red marks on her face and witnesses confirmed he’d hit the woman, who told police she wants to pursue charges. 

He’s sorry now: A Sinclair Avenue resident said he let his daughter use his car while he was in a nursing home but she hasn’t returned it, Monday. He said she’s had it about a month and would like it back. 

Tall tales: A man told police his mother and her boyfriend had been fighting all day in their North Street home and then began arguing with him, Monday. He said the two had been “smoking meth in the apartment.” When police got to the residence the mother told them he’d been “threatening and arguing with her all day” and said she wanted a restraining order. 

Lightning strikes: A Wellesley Avenue resident said while she and another woman were visiting a family member in the 700 block of North Seventh Street someone flattened all four of her tires, Tuesday. She told police she didn’t see it happen, but thinks it was the same man who flattened her tires a couple of weeks ago because he’d been “in the hallways yelling he would do it again.” The owner of the vehicle said he wants to pursue charges. 

Sad: Police spotted a woman sitting on the sidewalk in front of a closed business in the 200 block of North Seventh Street, Tuesday. She told police she was homeless and was just walking around, so they suggested she go to Martha Manor to see if she could get a room. 

Drugs: Steubenville firefighters/EMS told police they needed four doses of Narcan to stabilize a woman who’d overdosed, Sunday. They gave police a sample bottle containing an off-white powder they’d found in a folded paper in her purse. Police said the woman told them she’d snorted what she thought was a percoset. She was given a drug treatment form.   

Not welcome: A Lincoln Boulevard resident reported she was watching people entering her house with her Ring security camera, Sunday. She told police she saw an unknown vehicle in front of her house and strangers entering it. A witness reported seeing a shorter white male removing property from the home, and said the man used the pin code to access the property and didn’t seem to be in a hurry. Police said the residence appeared to be in order.   

Had enough: A university student reported a friend was receiving threatening messages from someone in Virginia, Saturday. The man sending the texts called his friend derogatory names and said he knew people in Steubenville was going to send someone to the other man’s residence to beat him up. Police advised the man how to get a protection order, but he told them he was leaving town so there was no point.   

Dispute: A Carnegie Street resident said her brother was “brandishing a weapon and about to damage her vehicle,” Wednesday. She said the two of them had a falling out over things she supposedly was circulating on social media and he’d come to her house to confront her. Her brother showed up at the residence and denied having a weapon but told police he was upset about his sister “spreading false information about him.”      

Vindictive: A Cedar Avenue resident told police someone flattened three tires on his wife’s vehicle, Friday. He said he has no idea who would have done something like that.    

Missing: A West Adams Street resident said her live-in boyfriend came home drunk and started yelling at her, Friday. When she went inside her home to tell him police wanted to speak with him, he was gone.    

Tiresome: A caller asked deputies to look into an assault at a South Fourth Street residence, but the female living there told them it was her ex-boyfriend who called in another false police report, Wednesday.      

Give it up: A Wellesley Avenue woman said she forgot a $10 pack of Gatorade in another woman’s car and now she won’t give it to her, Tuesday. She said when she called the other woman, she denied having it but showed police her receipt to prove she’d bought it. 

Served: Kirk Singleton, 38, 497 Scott Featner Road, Mingo Junction, bench warrant for failure to appear, Tuesday. 

Cited: Heather Owens, 43, 133 Powell Ave., Steubenville, prohibited front yard parking; Owners of three vehicles parked in the grassy area between the street and sidewalk in the Pleasant Heights area were ticketed; a silver Honda Accord with expired plates parked in the 1400 block of Euclid was towed. 

Code issues: Notices of violation were sent to the owner/occupants of a property at 515 Lawson Ave., pile of litter and construction material; 1409 Pennsylvania Ave., couch, cardboard boxes and other scattered litter; 1403 Pennsylvania Ave., bags of garbage on front porch and a car tire in the front yard; 432 Maxwell Ave., couch on the front porch and garbage bags on back porch; 228 S. Eighth St., household garbage, a mattress and other junk strewn around the property.     

No parking: Police towed a Ford pickup parked on private property at North Fourth Street at Clinton Street that had expired plates, Saturday. Police said part of the car was on the sidewalk, qualifying it as an obstruction. During the vehicle inventory police found an open container of Twisted Tea in the driver’s cup holder, and said the property owner was upset about the ruts the vehicle left on his property.   

Booked: Montyel Barnes, 40, 733 Oakmont Ave., Steubenville, outstanding warrant for misdemeanor assault, Saturday. Police also cited Barnes for a taillight violation.   

Cited: Jasmine Portis, 29, 809 Highland Ave., Steubenville, DUS; Michael Portis, 24, 713 Market St., Apt. H, possession of marijuana; Taylor Peters, 27, 3156 Weir Ave., Weirton, intoxication. Peters was sleeping in a car parked in the driveway to a South Street business, police said; Joshua D. Lilly, 27, Brookfield, Ohio, red light violation after a two-vehicle collision at University Boulevard and state Route 7; Jacob C. Allaway, 114 Collins Drive, Follansbee, speeding in a school zone; Theresa R. Schmiesing, 23, Sidney, Ohio, speeding in a school zone.        

Booked: Kyle C. Gordon, 27, 720 N. Seventh St., Apt. C-6, Steubenville, warrant for failure to appear on an aggravated menacing charge out of Belmont County, Wednesday.      

Mishap: Jordan E. Tarutis, 21, 815 N. Sixth St., Apt. 319, no operator’s license. Police cited Tarutis after a two-car fender-bender at Seventh and Ross streets Thursday; Logan Atkins, 25, 536 Lawson Ave., Steubenville, speeding and no operator’s license; Kathy Darah, 51, 1100 Clair Ave., Steubenville, expired plates; Saverio Travaglino, 58, Pittsburgh, expired/unlawful plates.     

Light-fingered: A Ridge Avenue resident told police he thinks a woman who had been staying with him took his vehicle and his cell phone, Sunday.    

Nipped: A Clinton Street resident said he was bit by a neighbor’s dog while he was outside with his kids, Saturday. He said the dog approached them and became aggressive, and police said they observed bite marks on his ankle. He said a woman pulled up in a vehicle trying to catch the animal, and when he told her it bit him, she fled. Bystanders directed police to the owner’s house, but no one answered the door.   

Alarmed: A caller told police a female had threatened her with a knife, Wednesday. Officers were unable to locate the woman.      

Robbery: A resident living in the 100 block of North Fourth Street told police someone entered his locked apartment and removed a watch and $250 in cash, Wednesday.

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